The small artery that supplies the head of the femur can get clogged, leading to death of the bone and a kind of arthritis called aseptic necrosis. enter delay depend decide deal escape exceed dance dam dare expand fail fade fasten cut cry feel feed fear fight fax fetch fill film file fit find bet flash flow flee box bat fold fly fire fix dweller dwarves dwelling dutifully dustpan dreary dreamy dredge dreamer dreadful dreadlocks dreadfully dressing dressmaker drawer drawback drastically drank dramatics dramatize dramatist dramatization draftsman draconian drain drainage dramatic dramatically drama drake dorm doorstep doorway doohickey doomed doodad dork doorknob dope dormitory dose dorsal donor donate domino document doggedly domesticate dome doctor doghouse doggone dole doll divergent divergence diver diversification diversify dive district distressing distribution distraction distract distorted distracted distraught distribute distrust disturb distress distinctively distortion distort distinctly distinction distastefully distillation dissuade dissociate dissolution distaste dissimilarity disservice dissension dissimilar dissection disruption dissatisfied dissenter dissenting dissertation disseminate dissent dissatisfaction disruptive dissemination dissect dissidence dissident dissipate disposable displeasure disrepair disrespect dispose disreputable disproportionately disqualification disproportionate disprove disregard disqualify disrepute disrespectfully disparage dispensary dispersal disown disparaging drunkenness drum drunkenly downward drawbridge